Login & Register Page Builder

Build unique login and register pages that match your shop's design and encourage visitors to sign up.

Full Library of Prebuilt Layouts

Jumpstart your creativity with our collection of pre-designed page templates.

Customizable PrestaShop Authentication

Build custom pages for the various authentication processes with Creative Elements.

Password Strength Indicator

Ensure your users create strong, secure passwords with the integrated PrestaShop password strength indicator. This dynamic feature, available since version 8, provides real-time feedback during registration, making the process both intuitive and secure.

Customizable Show/Hide Eye Icon

Improve the user experience by adding a customizable show/hide icon to password fields. Allow users to toggle visibility for their passwords—especially helpful for complex, symbol-rich passwords—while tailoring the icon's design to match your store's branding.

8 Exclusive Elements

Craft distinctive authentication pages using our extensive collection of widgets, allowing you to create a truly unique and captivating online shopping experience.

Start building with Creative Elements today

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